Important Information for Revel Exercises

Note: You can get the hints for the selected quizzes and programming projects from for the new C++ Revel

Errata for Revel assigned exercises:
If you find or suspect any errors, please email Dr. Liang ( Thank you.

Q1: Revel says my program has logic errors without giving any reasons. What can I do?

A: If it is a programming project at the end of the chapter, you can use the CheckExercise tool from to diagnose the code. The tool gives you the diagnostic messages to help you debug the errors.

If your programming project passed Automatic Check in the CheckExercise tool, but failed in Revel, email Dr. Liang ( a screen shot of the submission on Revel, the source code, and a brief description. We will reply in 24 hours. Thank you for helping us improve the book. One more thing you can do before emailing me is to check if you have initialized the variables. You should always initialize a variable before it is used. If a variable is not initialized, it is possible it may pass CheckExerciseTool, but fail in the Revel submission.

For a quiz under a section, if you think your solution is correct, but Revel says it is wrong without giving a good reason, email Dr. Liang ( a screen shot of the submission on Revel, the source code, and a brief description. We will reply in 24 hours. Thank you for helping us improve the book.

Q2: How do I submit the code if I have a header file, an implementation for the header file, and a main program file?

A: You will have to insert the code in the header file and in the implementation file into your main program and submit the main program to Revel. For example, the following three files CircleWithPrivateDataFields.h, CircleWithPrivateDataFields.cpp, and TestCircleWithPrivateDataFields.cpp should be combined into one file CombinedTestCircleWithPrivateDataFields.cpp. First, Copy TestCircleWithPrivateDataFields.cpp to CombinedTestCircleWithPrivateDataFields.cpp. Then modify CombinedTestCircleWithPrivateDataFields.cpp in three steps:

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